Insurance / Cashless / TPA'S / Reimbursement
Cashless Facility / Bill Reimbursement FacilityAvailable to State Govt. Employees /Dependents / Retired Employees / Pensionerson Employees Health Scheme (EHS) /Journalist Health Scheme (JHS) / AarogyasriHealth Scheme (AHS) / Aarogya BhadrathaScheme (ABS) Telangana & AP State Police /TSGENCO / TSTRANCO / Singareni CollieriesEmployees and Major Health InsurancePolicy Holders and Recognized by DME,Telangana State Govt. as referral Hospital. .
These camps are conducted in rural areas of Telangana for the benefit of disadvantaged older people. Patients are transported from their respective villages to & fro to the base hospital for surgeries. Regular and periodic follow ups are conducted for the surgical patients. There are many complicated surgeries which are performed.
Recognized by Income Tax Department u/s 17 (2) (ii) (b) of I.T. Act, 1961. The Expenses incurred for the treatment of Eye - Ailments can be exempted from Income Tax. (applied for renewal).
Recognized by Director of Medical Education, Govt. of Telangana as referral Hospital, for the treatment of employees, retired employees, their dependents etc.,
Recognized by Arogya Bhadratha Scheme (ABS) , AP & T.S. Police Dept, Health & Medical Welfare Trust for providing medical treatment for eligible AP & T.S. Police personnel and their dependents.
Recognized by Transmission Corporation of Telangana Ltd, APTRANSCO for the benefit of employees, dependents/ retired/ family Pensioners.
Recognized by Northern Power Distribution Company of T.S.Ltd, (NPDCAPL) for the benefit of employees, dependents/ retired/family Pensioners.
Recognized by Central Power Distribution Company of T.S.Ltd. (CPDCAPL), for the benefit of employees, dependents/ retired/family Pensioners.
Recognized by Easter Power Distribution Company Ltd. (EPDCAPL) for the benefit of employees, dependents/ retired/family Pensioners.
Recognized by Telangana Generation Company Ltd (APGENCO)
Recognized by University of Hyderabad, (U of H) Gachibowli, Hyderabad for treating their employees/dependents availing the cashless facility.
Recognized by Pensioners all pensioner associations of Telangana.
Recognized by almost all Major Insurance Companies and Health cards issued by the Third Party Administrators for availing the cashless and reimbursement facility
Recognized by Indian Red Cross Society, Hyderabad and Help Age India for conducting various voluntary activities.
Recognized by Chief Ministers Relief Fund. Govt. of T. S. and also recognized by District Blindness Control Society, Hyderabad Dist, for conducting Eye Camps and Surgeries to patients under Below Poverty Line and free school camps.